Silk screen printed ring vessel - inspired by antique fabric
 red and green ring vessel - screen printed - inspired by antique fabric
 Blue green ring vessel - screen printed - inspired by antique fabric
 Orange and green ring vessels - screen printed - inspired by antique fabric
 screen printed terracotta bowls inspired by antique fabric
Silk screen printed - inspired by antique fabric
 antique fabric inspired wrapped bowls
 antique fabric inspired wrapped bowls
Antique fabric inspired wrapped small bowls
 Kitchen utility pot - hand painted
 Cutlery washing up pot with drip dish - hand painted
Platter Giraffe.jpg
 Bathroom utility pots - hand painted
 Bathroom utility pots - hand painted
Platter Deer copy.jpg
Bowls (Wrapped).jpg
Black & white wrapped bowls.jpg
Wrapped bowls.jpg
Op art boxes (range).jpg
Fruit bowl, lattice pierced small.jpg
Fruit bowl lattice pierced small (aerial).jpg
Lattice Bowl.jpg
Lattice Bowl (aerial view).jpg
Pierced fruit bowl.jpg
Pierced fruit bowl (aerial).jpg
Pierced lattice fruit bowl (med).jpg
Pierced cachepot (feet).jpg
Pierced lattice cachepot, carved base.jpg
Utensil pots .jpg
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